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Congratulations is you are already pregnant and best wishes if you are trying to be! There are many professional aromatherapists and mid-wives that specialize in essential oil therapy for pregnancy. We recommend that you consult with one of them and/or your physician before using essential oils. Oils that should be avoided during pregnancy: Basil; Cedarwood; Clary Sage; Clove;Cinnamon; Jasmine; Juniper; Melissa; Marjoram; Peppermint; Rosemary; Sage; Breathe Deep EO Blend; Summer Nights Insect Repellant Blend This is a fairly conservative list as compared to some books we have seen, but it is not a replacement for proper medical care that should be given on an individual basis. As a reminder, these oils are specially marked on their ordering pages as: *Avoid during pregnancy.
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Last Updated: 01/04/2001

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